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Viva Crouse
Nov 15, 20213 min read
Postpartum Round 2
Hey friends. It's me again, talking about babies and postpartum life once more! What else would I be writing about? It's no secret I love...
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Viva Crouse
Mar 10, 20216 min read
Elijah's Birth Story
I knew it was in God's hands and that I had to focus on what was to come.
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Viva Crouse
Sep 10, 20205 min read
The "Bounce Back"
Your wants, needs, and desires when it comes to postpartum recovery are going to look different that every. other. woman.
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Viva Crouse
Aug 6, 20208 min read
Crying Over Spilled Milk: our breastfeeding journey
Breastfeeding may not be all rainbows and butterflies for you, but for someone else it is. That's the beauty of it.
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Viva Crouse
Jun 11, 20208 min read
My Body did WHAT?! Pt. 2
Sausage & french toast never tasted SO. DANG. GOOD. The internet was right: that first meal is the best meal of your life so far.
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Viva Crouse
Jun 4, 20206 min read
My Body Did WHAT?! Pt. 1
2:00am...another contraction. I feel like I have to pee & as I sit up in bed, boom, bang, splash, my water breaks!
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